Publish a Final Exam Session

After you have created the final exam schedule template for the term, and updated any final exam settings, you must publish the final exam session. Publishing a final exam session is a two part process. First, you must create a final exam session and specify a start date for the session. Second, you must then apply a final exam schedule template to the final exam session and then you can publish the session. 

  1. On the EMS Academic Planning menu bar, select Academic Planning > Courses > Final Exam Sessions

    The Final Exam Sessions window opens. The window lists all the final exam sessions that have been published in your EMS database.

  2. In Domain, select the campus for which you are publishing the final exam session. In Term, select the term.
  3. Click New

    The Final Exam Session dialog opens on the Final Exam Session tab.

  4. In Description, enter a description (maximum 30 characters, including spaces).
  5. Select a start date for the final exam session.

    The final exam session will start on this date. Use the final exam template day of the week to schedule specific final exam dates. EMS can accommodate up to a two week final exam session.

  6. Open the Rooms tab and select the rooms that are available to host final exams by doing the following:
    • In Building, select (all) buildings, or select a specific building, area, or view.
    • In Room Type, leave the default value of (all), or select a specific room type.
    • In Available, select the room, or Ctrl-click to select multiple rooms, and then click Move (>) to move the rooms to the Selected list.
  7. If needed, you can repeat these steps for specific buildings until you have selected all the rooms in specific buildings that can host a final exam.

  8. Click OK
  9. Continue to “Publish the final exam session” below.

Publish the Final Exam Session 

  1. If you have not already done so, open the Final Exam Session dialog and select the session to be published.
  2. Click Publish

    The Final Exam Scheduling window opens.

    This window lists all the unique course schedule patterns for the term for which you are publishing the final exam session.

  3. In Schedule Template, select the final exam template that is to be used for the term. Select Ignore Room Capacity if you do not want EMS to consider room capacity when assigning final exam sessions. The Final Exam Date, Final Exam Start, and Final Exam End columns automatically populate based on the applied template.
  4. If necessary, do one or more of the following:
    • Select a unique course schedule pattern and click Set Date to open the Final Exam Date dialog and edit a pattern setting, or create a course schedule pattern that was not in the selected template.
    • Select a unique course schedule pattern and click Clear to clear the pattern setting, and then click Set Date to open the Final Exam Set dialog and edit the pattern as needed.
  5. Click Next

    The Final Exam Scheduling window lists the summarizing information for any special/common exams that have been set for specific courses.

  6. Optionally, select a course, and then click Open to view the course in the Course Navigator.
  7. Click Finish

    A message opens, indicating that you are about to publish the final exam schedule, and asking you if it is OK to continue.

  8. Click Yes

    A success message displays.

  9. Click OK

    The View Bookings window opens. By default, the window initially shows only those final exam bookings for which a room could not be scheduled.

  10. Optionally, do one, more, or all of the following:
    • To view all final exam bookings, clear Show Unassigned Only.
    • To view a course in the Navigator, select the course, and then click Open.
    • To export the course list to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click Export.

    Unless the option to require the same room was selected for a course, course preferences can be considered and the final exam for the course can be scheduled in another room through optimization. Courses can be assigned to TBD if no rooms were available. Those courses that are in a different room than they were all semester have the NO flag in the same room column.

  11. Click Close.

    The Final Exam Sessions window appears. The final exam session publishing process adds the final exam for each course as a separate booking in the course's reservation. After you publish a final exam session, you can find the final exam booking for a course by opening the course in the Navigator and expanding the reservation and scrolling to the bottom of the Reservation (left) pane, or to the bottom of the Bookings (lower right) pane. You can use the Final Exam Schedule report to review the final exam schedule or the Final Exam Settings report to view optional settings. (See Generate Academic Reports.)

  12. To open the View Bookings window again, on the Final Exam Sessions window, click View.

    If you delete a final exam session, then all final exam bookings that are associated with the session are deleted.

Using the Academic Tools 


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