Customize the Logo and Background in the EMS Kiosk App

Administrators might update the pre-loaded logo and background by adding new files in a specific folder in the EMS Kiosk App installation. Users can change the logo, background, or both.

  1. The EMS Kiosk App includes a default logo and background.

  2. To change the preloaded logo, create a new file named, “custom-logo.”

  3. To change the preloaded background, create a new file named “custom-background.” The EMS Kiosk App only supports the following file extensions for custom logos and backgrounds: .JPG, .GIF and .PNG.

  4. With the Keep aspect ratio or Maintain aspect ratio check box selected in the Resize window of your image editing app, resize the image height to 40, 50, or 60 pixels depending on what will look best for the logo based on the amount of text in it.

  5. Place these newly created files in the following directory under the EMS Kiosk App installation: \EmsKiosk\wwwroot\public.

  6. Changes to an EMS Kiosk App require a hard refresh of each Kiosk page (Ctrl + F5 in Chrome).

  7. After the hard refresh, the EMS Kiosk App displays the custom logo and/or background.


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