Customize the Logo and Background in the EMS Kiosk App

Administrators might update the pre-loaded logo and background by adding new files in a specific folder in the EMS Kiosk App installation. Users can change the logo, background, or both.

  1. The EMS Kiosk App includes a default logo and background.

  2. To change the preloaded logo, create a new file named, “custom-logo.”

  3. To change the preloaded background, create a new file named “custom-background.” The EMS Kiosk App only supports the following file extensions for custom logos and backgrounds: .JPG, .GIF and .PNG.

  4. Place these newly created files in the following directory under the EMS Kiosk App installation: \EmsKiosk\wwwroot\public.

  5. Changes to an EMS Kiosk App require a hard refresh of each Kiosk page (Ctrl + F5 in Chrome).

  6. After the hard refresh, the EMS Kiosk App displays the custom logo and/or background.


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