Broadcasting Announcements

An announcement in Master Calendar is a message that displays prominently across the top of the Master Calendar default page, the top of the Master Calendar Home page, and the top of the page when viewing calendars in Master Calendar. You can use announcements to call special attention to events on the calendar. For example, if you are managing calendars for a university campus, and one of the calenders is used for invited speaker events, you might want to have an announcement at the top of the launch page that emphasizes when a particularly prominent speaker will be on campus. Depending on the parameters that you have set in Master Calendar, an announcement can either be static or scrolling across the top of the launch page.

This topic guides you in creating new announcements, viewing announcement history, and editing, deleting, and activating and de-activating announcements.

ClosedCreate an announcement

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > Events & Special Dates > Announcements

    The Announcements page opens on the Active tab, listing all currently active announcements in Master Calendar.

  2. Under Actions, click Add

    A blank Details tab opens.

  3. Add the information for the announcement.



    The title or name of the announcement.


    A description of the event.

    Start Date/End Date

    The first date that you want the announcement to be displayed at the top of the Master Calendar launch page and the last date that you want the announcement to be displayed at the top of the Master Calendar launch page.

    Display as Alert

    Checking the Display as Alert box adds a caution symbol to the front of the announcement text.

  4. Click Save

ClosedEdit an existing announcement

  1. From the Announcements page, select the Active or Inactive tab.
  2. Select an announcement. 
  3. Under Actions, click Edit

    The Details tab opens, showing the title, description, and start and end dates for the announcement. 

  4. To view history, click the History tab.

  5. To edit the announcement, click the Details tab.

  6. To activate/de-activate announcements, select Active. This controls whether the item is listed on the Active tab.

  7.  To edit the information for an announcement, open the item and edit information for the announcement. 
  8. To delete an announcement, select the item and click ActionsDelete.

    To select all items on a page, click Title.

    A message prompts you to confirm that you want to delete all the selected announcements.

    • Click OK. A message confirms the deletion.
    • Click OK. The Active tab or Inactive tab is updated to reflect the deletion of the announcements.
  9. Click Save to finalize your edits.


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