Configure Cultures

Use cultures for language translation. A culture is the language into which the menu text, menu items, field labels, and help text will be translated on your Master Calendar site.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Cultures

    The Cultures page opens and lists all the cultures configured in your Master Calendar database.

  2. To add a culture, under Actions, click Add

    The Culture dialog opens, where you can name or describe the culture that you are configuring and select the appropriate culture. The default value is English (United States).

    • In Description, enter a name or a phrase that best describes the culture. For example, Spanish (Mexican) for the Spanish (Mexico) culture.
    • On the Cultures dropdown list, select the culture.
    • Click Save. A message opens indicating that the culture was saved.
    • Click OK in the message. The message closes and the newly configured culture is displayed on the Cultures page.

      After you configure a culture, you must manually enter the translations for menus (main menu text and options, including user-defined options) and help text. To enter translations for labels, you must contact Also, the guest’s or user’s Browser language must be set to the appropriate culture (language) to display these translations.

  3. To edit a culture's description, select the culture you want to edit.
    1. Under Actions, click Edit. The Culture dialog opens. The dialog lists the selected culture and its description. Only the description is editable.

      If you selected the wrong culture for a culture description, then delete the culture, and add it again.

    2. Edit the description for the culture.
    3. Click Save

    4. Click OK in the message. 

  4. To delete a culture, select a culture.

    To select all cultures, select Description. If you have multiple pages of cultures to delete, repeat this entire process on each page.

    1. Under Actions, click Delete
    2. Click OK and OK again.


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