Configure Event Icons

An event icon is a graphic symbol that identifies an event. By default, when you associate an active event icon with an event, the icon is always displayed in the event description. You can also have the icon displayed in a tooltip and on the calendar for the event. Managing event icons consists of adding event icons to event descriptions, tooltips or calendars, activating and inactivating event icons, editing event icons, and deleting event icons.

Add an event icon

When you add an event icon, you must, at a minimum, add a large icon. A large icon is less than 25 x 25 pixels.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Event Icons

    The Event Icons page opens on the Active tab, listing all currently active event icons in Master Calendar.

  2. Under Actions, click Add

    The Details dialog opens, where you can upload and name the event icon, and control where it is used (event descriptions, tool tips, or calendars) to add the icons. By default, Show icon on tooltip is selected.

  3. In the Title field, enter a name to describe the event icon.
  4. Click Add Large Icon

    The Upload Attachment dialog opens, where you can browse and select an image.

  5. Click Open

    The Browse field in the Upload Attachment dialog is populated with the full directory path (including the file name) for the event icon.

  6. In the Upload Attachment dialog, click Attach

    The Upload Attachment dialog closes, and the Details tab is updated to reflect the addition of the large event icon. In addition, a Remove option is displayed next to the name of the event icon. You can click this option to remove an icon if you added an icon in error, or if you want to replace the icon with another one.

  7. Optionally, do one or both of the following:

    1. If you do not want the icon to be displayed in the event tooltip, clear Show icon on tooltip.
    2. If you want to display the icon on the calendar entry, select Show icon on calendar.

  8. Click Save.

Edit Event Icons

When editing existing icons, you can simply change details about the icons, such as name or where it is used, you can change the image itself, or you activate or de-activate the icon, which controls whether it displays to users anywhere in Master Calendar.

To edit event icons:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Event Icons.

    Select the Active or Inactive tab. 

  2. Select the icon you want to edit. 
  3. Under Actions, click Edit

    The Details tab opens.

  4. To rename the icon, in Title, edit the text.
  5. To upload a different icon file, use the Remove and Add options .
  6. To control where the icon appears, select Show icon on tooltip.
  7. To control whether the icon displays to users anywhere in Master Calendar, select Active
  8. To delete an icon, click Delete.
  9. To view the history of an event icon, click the History tab.

  10. Click Save.

To delete an icon from Step 2 above, choose Delete. To select all icons on a page, select Title in the list view first. Click OK (twice) to confirm your actions and the icon will no longer appear in the Active or Inactive tabs. 


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