Configure Event Type Views

An Event Type View is a grouping or collection of event types to help your guests or users to search for multiple event types in a single step, rather than conducting multiple searches for different event types. For example, if you are managing calendars for a university campus, you might group the event types of Freshmen Swimming, Freshmen Track and Field, Freshmen Soccer, and Freshmen Basketball under the Event Type View of "Freshmen Athletic Events." This topic guides you in creating, editing, deleting and activating and inactivating Event Type Views and viewing Event Type View history.

Create a New Event Type View

You can only add active event types to an Event Type View. You may need to activate an event type so that you can add it to a view. 

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > ConfigurationEvent Type Views. The Event Type Views page opens on the Active tab, listing all active Event Type Views in Master Calendar.

  1. Under Actions, click Add. The Adding Event Types page opens on the Details tab.

  2. In Description, enter a description.
  3. In Event Types, do one of the following:
    • Select a single event type.
    • Select Multiple. The Event Types dialog appears. Select all event types in a single step by clicking All or select more than one event type, and then click Apply. This associates multiple event types with the Event Type View you are creating. 

  4. Click Add. The Event Type View is added as an active item in Master Calendar.

Edit/Delete Existing Event Type Views

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > ConfigurationEvent Type Views

    The Event Type Views page opens on the Active tab, listing all active Event Type Views in Master Calendar.

  2. To edit an Event Type View, select it on the Active or Inactive tab.
  3. Under Actions, click Edit

    The Details tab opens, showing the description for the Event Type View and the event type that was selected for the view.

  4. To delete an Event Type View, locate it on the Active or Inactive tab and select (one or more) Event Type Views to be deleted. To select all Event Type Views on the currently opened page for deletion in a single step, select Title. If you have multiple pages of views to delete, you must repeat this entire process on each page.
    1. Under Actions, click Delete. A message prompts you to confirm that you want to delete all the selected Event Type Views.
    2. Click OK. A message confirms the deletion.
    3. Click OK. The Active tab or Inactive tab is updated to reflect the deletion of the Event Type Views.


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