.Configure Event Types

An event type is a colored label that you can apply to an event in Master Calendar to make it easier for your guests and users to distinguish between events, know the purpose of an event, and find events. For example, if you are managing a calendar system for a university campus, your event types might include athletic events, invited speaker events, and so on. This topic guides you in defining new event types, editing event types, deleting event types, and activating and de-activating event types.

Create New Event Types

As an EMS customer, you can import your EMS event types into Master Calendar.

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > ConfigurationEvent Types

    The Event Types page opens on the Active tab, which lists all active event types in Master Calendar. The Inactive tab lists event types defined for your system but not in use.

  2. Under Actions, click Add

    The Event Type dialog opens. You can name the event type, define the label color, and make the event type visible to search engines.

  3. In the Name field, enter the name for the event type.
  4. Optionally, in Color, select a color for the event type.
  5. Click Add

    The Event Type is added to Master Calendar as an active event type.

  6. To make the event type visible to the search engine, select Include Event Markup.

Edit Existing Event Types

  1. Navigate to Admin > ConfigurationEvent Types.  

    The Event Types page opens on the Active tab, which lists all active event types in Master Calendar.

  2. To work with event type, select the Active or Inactive tab. 

  3. To edit, activate or deactivate an Event Type, select the event type that you want to work with.

    • Edit the Name field to change the name of the Event Type, which appears to users in am Event Type dropdown field during the booking process.
    • Edit the color for the Event Type label users will see.
    • Use the Active checkbox to activate or deactivate the Event Type, which controls whether the event type is available to users during booking process.
    • Click Save.
  4. To delete an event type, select the item from the list on the Active or Inactive tab. To select all event types on the currently opened page for deletion in a single step, select Title. If you have multiple pages of event types to delete, you must repeat this entire process on each page.

    You can delete one or more active or an inactive event types. If you delete an active event type, the event label is deleted for all past and current events. The URL stays associated with the events. Going forward, the event type is not available for use.

    • Under Actions, click Delete. A message prompts you to confirm that you are sure that you want to delete all the selected event types.
    • Click OK. A message confirms the deletion.
    • Click OK in the message. 


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