Configure Rooms

Within locations, you can specify a room, which is a further definition/clarification of where an event is to take place. For example, if you specify a building as the event location for a chemistry lab practical, a room could specify a specific lab room in the building for that event. Your Master Calendar parameter settings control whether the room field shows for users under a Location. See Also: Default Page Configuration Settings.

You should identify a room with a name or phrase that explains what it is. “Rooms” is the default label for rooms. To change this label to better suit your organization’s business needs, see Setting Default Behavior for Master Calendar.

Set Up a New Room

You can add a room to an active event location. You must activate an event location before you can add a room to it.

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > Configuration > Rooms

    The Rooms page opens on the Active tab.

  2. In Locations, select the location to which you want to add the room. 

    The page refreshes to list all active rooms for the selected location.

  1. Under Actions, click Add

    The Room dialog opens where you name the room. Users will then be able to select this item from a field for the Location field during the booking process. 

  1. In Room field, enter a name or description for the room. You can change the Location as needed using the Location field dropdown.
  1. Click Save

    The room is added as an active location in Master Calendar.

Edit Existing Rooms

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > Configuration > Rooms. The Rooms page opens on the Active tab.
  2. To activate or de-activate a room, choose the Active or Inactive tab. 
  • In Locations, select the location for which the rooms are being activated or deactivated. The list displays all active or inactive rooms for the selected location.
  • Select the room that you want to work with.
  • Under Actions, click Edit. The Room dialog opens.
  • Select Active to control whether users can choose this room from during the booking process.
  • Click Save. Your changes take effect immediately.
  1. To change the name or URL for a room, from the Locations dropdown on the Active or Inactive tab, select the location for which you want to edit rooms. The list updates to show the Location's rooms.
    1. Select the room that you want to edit.
    2. Under Actions, click Edit. The Room dialog opens.
    3. Edit the name of the room, its location, or both.
    4. Click Save to save your edits.
  2. To delete a room, from the Locations dropdown on the Active or Inactive tab, select the location for which you want to edit rooms. The list updates to show the Location's rooms.

    You can delete active and inactive rooms. If you delete an active event room, current events that use this room are not affected. The deletion means that going forward the room is not available for use.

    1. Select the room that you want to delete. To select all rooms on the currently opened page for deletion in a single step, select Room, for example, Room. If you have multiple pages of rooms to delete, you must repeat this entire process on each page. 
    2. Under Actions, click Delete. A message prompts you to confirm that you want to delete all the selected rooms. 
    3. Click OK in the message. A message confirms the deletion. 
    4. Click OK. The Active tab or Inactive tab is updated to reflect the deletion.


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