Configure User Defined Questions (UDQs)

A user defined question (UDQ) is a question you can set to prompt a guest or user as part event request process. A UDQ can be optional or required, and you can assign one or more UDQs to one or more calendars of your choice. This topic guides you in adding, editing, deleting, activating and de-activating UDQs, and viewing UDQ history.

Define a New UDQ

Once you add new a UDQ, you can assign the UDQ to one or more calendars.

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > ConfigurationUser Defined Questions

    The User Defined Questions page opens on the Active tab, listing all currently active UDQs in Master Calendar.

  2. Under Actions, click Add

    The Details tab opens, where you can specify information for the new UDQ.

  3. Enter the information for the UDQ.

    UDQ Details Tab Fields

    Field Description


    The name of the UDQ. This name is displayed in a pick list on the UDQs tab for calendar configuration.

    Question Type

    Dropdown list with four options for the required format of the answer to the UDQ:

    • Text
    • Date
    • Numeric
    • List

    Default value

    A pre-assigned value for the UDQ that is displayed on the Submit Event page. A guest or user can edit this value as needed.

    Display Text

    The text that is displayed for the UDQ under Additional Information on the Submit Event page.


    The order in which the UDQs are displayed under Additional Information on the Submit Event page. This is a required value. If you give all the UDQs the same sequence number, then the UDQs are displayed in alphabetical order under Additional Information; otherwise, they are displayed in ascending order (Sequence 1, Sequence 2, Sequence 3, and so on).


    If selected, then the question is not displayed in the event description; otherwise, the question is displayed in the event description.

    Response Required

    If selected, then a guest or user must answer the question before they can submit the event; otherwise, the guest or user does not have to answer the question to submit the event.

    If you specify a default value for a UDQ, but then make a response required, Master Calendar ignores the default value.

  4. Click the Calendars tab.

  5. In the Calendars list, select the calendar to which the UDQ is to be assigned (Ctrl-click to select multiple calendars).

    The calendar now appears in the Selected Calendars list.

  6. Click Add

    The UDQ is saved as an active UDQ in Master Calendar.

Edit Existing UDQs

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > ConfigurationUser Defined Questions

    The User Defined Questions page opens on the Active tab, listing all currently active UDQs in Master Calendar.

  2.  To edit, activate or deactivate a UDQ, select the Active or Inactive tab.
  3. Select the UDQ you want to edit from the list.
  4. Under Actions, click Edit

    The Details tab opens.

  5. Make changes as needed to the UDQ information.
  6. To change the calendar the UDQ applies to, use the Calendars tab.

    • In the Calendars list, click the calendar to which the UDQ is to be assigned (Ctrl-click to select multiple calendars), and then click Add (>) to add the selected calendars to the Selected Calendars list. Click Remove (<)  to remove it from the Selected Calendars list.
    • To view the UDQ's history, click the History tab. The history for a UDQ consists of the original creation date of the UDQ, the name of the user who created the UDQ, the last date that the UDQ was edited, as well as the name of the user who last edited the UDQ. You can view the history for both active or inactive UDQs.
    • Use the Active checkbox to control whether the UDQ presents to users during the booking process. 
    • Click Save. The Active or Inactive list of UDQs updates to reflect your changes. 
  7. To delete a UDQ, from the Active or Inactive tab, select the UDQ you want to delete. To select all UDQs on the currently opened page for deletion in a single step, select Name. If you have multiple pages of UDQs to delete, you must repeat this entire process on each page.

    You can delete an active or inactive UDQ. If you delete an active UDQ, current events that use the UDQ are not affected. The deletion means the UDQ is not available for future use.

  8. Under Actions, click Delete

    A confirmation message appears.

  9. Click OK

    A message confirms the deletion.

  10. Click OK

    The list of UDQs is updated to reflect the deletion.


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