Configure Users

A user in Master Calendar is anyone who can log in to Master Calendar and who has a predefined level of access to specific calendars. For example, User A has requestor access to Calendar A, and view only access to Calendar B. User B has view only access to all calendars in Master Calendar, and so on. The user’s record that you define specifies this level of access. This topic guides you in searching for users, creating new ones, and working with existing ones.

Search For a User

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > Security > Users

    The Users page opens.

    The Inactive tab lists all inactive users in EMS Master Calendar. You might find the user on either tab. Use the Print option to generate a report list of all users configured in Master Calender, which you can export as a PDF (default), Xls, Xlsx, Rtf, Mnt, Text, Image, or CSV.

  2. Use the search fields at the top of the tab (User Name, Email, Template Name), enter partial or complete search criteria, and then click Go.The search is limited to the exact order of characters in the search string, however, the string is not-case sensitive and it can appear anywhere in the search results. For example, if you enter “Rob” as your  search string for User Name, search results can include Robert, Rob, Robertson, Jarrob, and so on. A list of all users that meets the search criteria is displayed on the tab.

Create a New Master Calendar User

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > Security > Users.  
  2. Under Actions, click Add

    The Details window opens, where you can add the information about the user.

    If your organization has purchased the optional Integrated Authentication module, a Lookup icon shows next to the Full Name field. Click this icon to open a list of users in your EMS system and automatically populate these fields.

  3. Add the information for the new user. 

    Details Fields


    Full Name

    The full name for the user.


    The email address for the user.


    The login password for the user. The password has no special rules.

    Confirm Password

    Re-enter the password exactly as you entered it in the Password field.


    The phone number for the user.

    External Reference

    Required only if you have LDAP security. Used to enable single sign-on through the separately purchased Integrated Authentication module.

    Account Type

    Choose one of the three options from the dropdown:

    • Standard
    • Template
    • Administrator


    If you select Template as the Account Type, the Template dropdown appears. Choose a template from the dropdown. Select the Add Additional Permissions to Template User checkbox to add additional permissions.

  4. Select the account type for the user - Standard, Template or Administrator.

    User Types

    User typeDescription


    This is the default value for a user type. You must manually apply permissions for this type of user.


    This type of user is available if you have active templates defined in Master Calendar. See Configure User Templates.

    If you select this type of user:

    • The Permission tab is initially removed from the page.
    • A Template dropdown list opens. Use this list to select the correct template for the user’s permissions.
    • Optionally, if you want to add permissions for the user in addition to the ones that are defined by the selected template, select Add additional permissions to template user to make the Permissions tab available again.


    This type of user has full access to all calendars in Master Calendar as well as to all system areas and functions.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If the user is an administrator, or a template user who does not have additional permissions, click Save. The user is saved as an active user in Master Calendar.
    • If the user is an administrator, or a template user who does not have additional permissions, click Save. The user is saved as an active user in Master Calendar.

Define User Permissions

  1. Click the Permissions tab, which lists all currently active calendars in Master Calendar.

  2. To indicate the type of access the user will have to the calendars in Master Calendar, select the calendar (Ctrl-click to select multiple calendars), and then click Add to move the calendars to the access type.

    If you do not select a calendar for the user, the calendar is a private calendar—the user cannot view events on the calendar, submit events to the calendar, and so on.

    Calendar Access Type Fields




    The user can only view events on the calendar.


    The user can view events on the calendar and submit events to the calendar; however, the submitted event is posted only if the Calendar Manager approves it.

    Calendar User

    The user can view events on the calendar and submit events to the calendar and the events are automatically posted without approval by the Calendar Manager.

    Calendar Manager

    The user can carry out all administration functions for the calendar (edit the calendar, create calender URLs, submit events to the calendar without approval, add/edit/delete special dates, and so on.)

  3. Click Save

    The user is saved as an active user in Master Calendar.

Edit Existing Users

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > Security > Users

  2. Select the Active or Inactive tab, select the user you want to work with and click Edit

    The Details tab opens.

  3. To control whether the user is action or inactive in Master Calendar, use the Active option.

  4. To delete a user from Master Calendar, set them to Inactive, and then on the Inactive tab select the user and click Delete

    You can only delete inactive users.

  1. To view user history, click the History tab.

  2. Edit the information as needed for the user.
  3. Edit the user's permissions on the Permissions tab, and update the type of access the user will have to the calendars in Master Calendar, select the calendar (Ctrl-click to select multiple calendars), and then click Add to move the calendars to the access type.
  4. Click Save.


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