Manage External Links for a Grouping

An external link is a link to a website that is outside of Master Calendar. When you associate a link with a calendar grouping, they appear on these calendars for users' convenience. For example, if you have a grouping of calendars for a university’s athletic department, and many of the athletic events take place at the university’s stadium, you might want to associate that grouping with an external link to the university’s website, "About the Stadium."

Create a New External Link

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > Groupings & Calendars > External Links.

    The External Links page opens, listing all active external links in Master Calendar.

  2. Under Actions, click Add

    A blank Details tab opens, where you can name the external link, specify the URL, and select the calendar grouping to which the link belongs.

  3. Enter the Calendar/Link Name.
  4. Enter the URL.
  5. Select the calendar Grouping for the link.
  6. Click Save

    The link is saved in Master Calendar and displays on calendars in the grouping you specified.

Edit/Delete Existing Links

  1. From the Admin Panel, navigate to Admin > Groupings & Calendars > External Links.
  2. Select the link you want to edit.

    To delete one or more links, click Delete.

  3. Under Actions, click Edit

    The Details tab opens.

    To see a history of this link, click the History tab.

  1. Edit information for the link as needed.
  2. Click Save.


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