Locate People

Click BROWSE > PEOPLE from the main EMS Web App menu to find a Group or Host who is scheduled to have a meeting, event, or workspace reservation. You can locate space in close proximity to a colleague with a workspace reservation or find the location of a meeting you are attending.

Previous releases of EMS called this "Locate a group."

To search for a reservation hosted by a specific person or group, enter at least the first three letters in the Name field (EMS Web App will suggest the closest match), and then click Search.   

The Search field is not case sensitive and you can search by any portion of the Group/person's name.

While the default number of search characters is three, this number can be configured by your EMS Administrator through the Minimum Characters to Initiate Type Ahead Search parameter. See Also: Everyday User Application Parameters.

From the results, you can click the Event Name for more details, to add to your personal calendar, or to share on social media. You can click the Location field for more information about the location including properties, applicable set-up types and corresponding capacities, and built-in features. You can click the Floor Plan icon to reveal where the location is situated on a floor map (requires module purchase and configuration).