Reservations, Bookings, and Booking Details

The two essential EMS components for meeting and event scheduling are reservations and bookings. To use the EMS Web Client efficiently and effectively, you must understand the structure of a reservation in EMS, the concept of an event timeline for a reservation booking, and how to make a reservation. This section covers the following topics:

  • Reservation Structure
  • Event Timeline
  • Make a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard
  • View and Edit Reservations in the Reservation Book

ClosedReservation Structure

An event in EMS Desktop Client is comprised of the following:

  1. Reservation
  2. One or more Bookings
  3. Booking details

These three components exist in a hierarchy—a reservation contains one or more bookings, and each booking can have one or more details associated with it.


A reservation is the who and what of an event. For example, Group X (who) can reserve some space for an Event Y (what). A booking is the where and when of an event. For example, Group X can schedule the conference room (where) for a staff meeting on the second Monday in January (when). Group X now has a single reservation with a single booking in EMS. If Group X schedules the conference room (where) for a staff meeting on the second Monday of each month for a calendar year (when), then Group X now has a single reservation with twelve bookings in EMS.

Booking Details

A booking can have one or more booking details associated with it. Booking details are the resources or services that are needed for an event, the notes for the event, the activities for the event, the room charges for the event, or any combination of these. For example, for Group X’s staff meeting, the resources could include the requested catering and the A/V equipment.

ClosedEvent Timeline

The following time designators are used for an event in EMS Desktop Client:

  • Event Time – The time period during which the event actually takes place.
  • Setup/Teardown Hours – The hours, or fractions of hours, that you add to the event time to allow staff to prepare a room for the event or to clean up after the event.
  • Reserved Time – The total time for which the space (the where) is reserved. This time is the event time plus the setup/teardown time.



Reserved Start Time

8:00 a.m.

Setup Hours

1 hour

Event Start Time

9:00 a.m. 

Event End Time

4:00 p.m.

Teardown Hours

1.5 hours

Reserved End Time

5:30 p.m.

Reserved Time

9.5 hours

ClosedMake a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard

You can check for available space and make a reservation for an event with the Reservation Wizard. You can search for rooms that are available for a particular time on one day (a simple reservation with one booking) or on multiple days (a series reservation with multiple bookings). You can also create a series reservation by selecting one date and time with multiple rooms.

To make a reservation using the wizard:

The following procedure describes how to make a reservation by selecting values for the required and optional fields.

  • If your EMS administrator has configured reservation wizard templates, then a Reservation Wizard Template dropdown list displays at the top of the Reservation Wizard. Templates automatically set the default values for many fields in the Reservation Wizard. Select a template from the list when you make a reservation in the Reservation Wizard.
  • If your job includes making multiple reservations that require the same information, and you are not using reservation wizard templates, then you can set your own default values for many of the fields in the Reservation Wizard.

Specify the Event Date and Time Information

  1. On the EMS Desktop Client toolbar, click the Wizard icon.

    The Reservation Wizard page opens.

  2. If needed, use the scroll features on the top of the Calendar to open the calendar for a different month (< or >), or click a month at the top of the calendar to open a dropdown list from which you can select a different month. You can also click a year at the top of the calendar to open a dropdown list from which you can select a different year.
  3. If the event dates do not follow a pattern, use one or more of the following to enter a date:
    • Click the dates on the calendar that the event is to take place.
    • To select all five weekdays in a week, click in the blank space to the left of the week.
    • To select all seven days in a week, double-click in the blank space to the left of the week.
    • To select every occurrence of a specific day of the week for the displayed month (for example, all Sundays in June, 2017), click the heading (S, M, T, and so on) for the day.
    • To select every occurrence of a specific day of the week that is currently displayed onscreen (regardless if the day falls within the same month), double-click the heading for the day.
  4. If the event dates do follow a pattern, (for example, the third Friday of every month), click Date Pattern at the bottom of the Calendar to open the Date Pattern dialog and enter your event date information. As you specify the event dates, the following occurs:
    • The Selected Dates tab at the top of the Calendar automatically updates with the selected dates.
    • If your EMS administrator has configured any of the dates as a holiday or closed, then holiday dates are displayed in green on the Calendar tab and closed dates are displayed in red. For any date, after you select the date on the Calendar tab, you can:
      • Toggle between the Calendar tab and the Selected Date tab. Open the Selected Dates tab, select the date, and then click Go To Date.
      • To remove a date from the list of selected dates, open the Selected Dates tab, select the date (or Ctrl-click to select multiple dates), and click Remove.
    • For dates that are configured as a holiday or as closed, you can:
      • To open a tooltip that shows the name of the holiday, hover over a holiday date.
      • View information about the date from the Selected Dates tab. Open the Selected Dates tab, scroll to the date, and then click Holidays to display information about the holiday.
      • To open a message that states that you cannot select the date because the date is closed, hover over a closed date.
  5. Continue to specify the event time and status.

Specify the Event Time and Status

  1. Specify the start time and end time for the event in one of two ways:
    • Click the Time Picker icon to open a dropdown list from which you can select a time for each field.
    • Under the Time section, manually enter the start and end times from the dropdowns. If applicable, select the appropriate Time Zone for the event.
  2. Specify the Setup and Teardown times in one of two ways:
    • To use the default setup and teardown times that your EMS administrator has assigned to the rooms in your system, leave the Use Default checkbox selected.
    • To override the default setup/teardown times, clear the Use Default checkbox, select Minutes or Hours, and enter your own setup and teardown times.
  3. Indicate the status for the event.
  4. Continue to select the event location. 

Select the Event Location

You have three options to select the event location on the first page of the Reservation Wizard:

  1. Standard – Display a list of all available rooms that meet all requested dates. 
  2. Best Fit – Use this option if no one room can meet all the requested dates. The system lists rooms along with the number of bookings for which you can reserve the room. You can piece together the entire reservation using Best Fit, or just part of it.
  3. Specific Room – Confirm the availability and reserve of one specific room for the scheduled event.

Search for a Standard Room

  1. Select Standard.
  2. Choose one of the following for room specifications:
    • Type is the class or category of the room, for example a meeting room or workspace. Leave Type set to the default of (all) to search for all pre-configured room types or select a specific room type from the Type dropdown list.
    • Floor is optional information when you are searching for a room. Leave Floor set to the default value of (all) to search for all pre-configured floors or select the floor from the Floor dropdown list.
    • Setup Type is the physical layout or arrangement of a room, for example, rounds of 6 or theater-style. Leave Setup Type set to the default value of (all) to search for all pre-configured setup types or select the setup type from the Setup Type dropdown list.
    • Setup Count is the anticipated attendance for the event. If you selected a specific setup type, then you must enter the setup count.
  3. To select a Feature, open the Features tab, select the Feature, or Ctrl-click to select the multiple features that the room must have.
  4. Click Next. Up to two tabs display:
    • The Available tab is always displayed. It lists all the rooms that meet all your event criteria.
      • If you chose to show the Available All Day Indicator, the rooms that are available all day are marked with an asterisk (*).
      • By default, the available rooms are sorted alphabetically by room code. If your EMS administrator has configured the rooms for your EMS implementation with a book sequence, then under Options, select Sort Rooms by Book Sequence to sort the rooms from lowest to highest book sequence. (If two rooms have the same sequence, then the rooms are sorted alphabetically by name within the sequence.)
    • The Conflicts tab displays only if there are rooms that are not available for the requested dates/times. You can also open the Conflicts tab to view the list of rooms that were not available for scheduling as well as list of the events that are scheduled for each room.
  5. Select the room, or Ctrl-click to select the multiple rooms that you are scheduling for the event.
  6. Click Room Info to open the Room Info dialog and view information about the room properties, notes, Room URL, Building URL, setup type and capacity, and features. Click Close.
  7. Click Building Hours to display the hours that the selected room/building is open on the reserved date.
  8. Click Close.
  9. Click Move (>) to move the rooms to the Selected list.
  10. Click Next to specify the event Information.

Search for a Best Fit Room

  1. Select Best Fit.
  2. Leave Building set to the default value of (all), or select a specific Building, Area, or View in which to search for a best fit room.
  3. Choose one of the following for room specifications:
    • Type is the class or category of the room, for example a meeting room, a workspace, and so on. Leave Type set to the default of (all) to search for all pre-configured room types or select a specific room type from the Type dropdown list.
    • Floor is optional information when you are searching for a room. Leave Floor set to the default value of (all) to search for all pre-configured floors or select the floor from the Floor dropdown list.
    • Setup Type is the physical layout or arrangement of a room, for example, rounds of 6 or theater-style. Leave Setup Type set to the default value of (all) to search for all pre-configured setup types or select the setup type from the Setup Type dropdown list.
    • Setup Count is the anticipated attendance for the event. If you selected a specific setup type, then you must enter the setup count.
  4. Open the Features tab, and then select the feature, or Ctrl-click to select the multiple features that the room must have.
  5. Click Next. Up to two tabs display:
    • The Available tab, which is the active tab and is always displayed, has two lists. The list in the left pane is a list of all the rooms that meet some or all of your event criteria. The list in the right pane is a list of all the event dates that must be fulfilled.
    • The Conflicts tab displays only if there are rooms that are not available for the requested dates. Optionally, you can open the Conflicts tab to view the list of rooms that were not available for scheduling for the event as well as list of the events that are scheduled for each room.
  6. Choose one or both of the following:
    • Click Room Info to open the Room Info dialog and view information about the room properties, notes, Room URL, Building URL, setup type and capacity, and features. Click Close.
    • Click Building Hours to display the hours that the selected room/building is open on the reserved date. Click Close.
  7. Choose one of the following:
    • If one is available, select the single room that is available for all the requested dates, and then click Move (>) to move the room to the Event Dates list.
    • If a single room is not available, select a room that is available for some of your requested dates, and then click Move (>) to move the room to the Event Dates list. Repeat this step as needed to fulfill all the event dates.
  8. Click Next to specify the event information.

Search for a Specific Room

You can use the Specific Room search to book a standard EMS room or a room or area that is not managed in EMS. An override room, or “override description,” is used to book an event in a space that has not been configured in your EMS system. For example, your EMS administrator might have configured an override room named “Other Area” in the Engineering building. To book an event in Dr. Wilson's office, which is a room that is not defined in EMS, in the Engineering building, you can select the “Other Area” room and specify “Dr. Wilson's Office” for the location. EMS does not track availability for events booked in override rooms; however, EMS reports on events that are scheduled in an override room just like any other event scheduled for any other room.

  1. Select Specific Room.

    The Room Selector dialog opens.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • To select a room from a list of all rooms in all available buildings:
      • Leave (all) selected on the Buildings list.
      • Click the Add icon next to a room to select it.
      • If the room is configured as an override room, continue to the next step.
    • To select a room from a list of rooms in a specific building, area, or view:
      • Select a specific building, area, or view.
      • Click the Add icon next to a room to select it.
      • If the room is configured as an override room, continue to the next step:
        • In the Location field, enter the location of the override room, and then click Next. Two results are possible:
          • If the event is scheduled for a single date and the room is available, then continue to the next step. 
          • In all other cases, (for example, the event is scheduled for a single date but the room is not available or it is a multiple date event), the Available tab opens. This tab lists all the event dates for which the specific room is available. 
  3. Optionally, before you move a date to the Selected list, click Building Hours to open the Building Hours dialog which displays the hours that the selected room/building is open on the selected date. 
  4. Optionally, before you move a date to the Selected list, do one or both of the following:
    • Click Room Info to open the Room Info dialog and view information about the room properties, setup type, features, and pricing.
    • Click Building Hours to open the Building Hours dialog which displays the hours that the selected room/building is open on the reserved date.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • If the specific room is available for all the event dates, then click the Move All button (>>) to schedule the room for all the event dates.
    • If the specific room is not available, try another approach, such as reserving a different specific room, or try using the Standard or Best Fit search method.
  6. Click Next.

Specify the Event Information

After you select an event location(s), you must specify other information for the event.

  1. Enter the event information.




Event Name

Name or description for the event.

Event Type

Classification for the event.

VIP Event

Select to mark the event as a Very Important event.


Reservation source.

Video Conference

Select for a video conference event.



Click the Search icon to open an Employees dialog in which you search for and select a specific employee from a list all employees that are available in your system for hosting/sponsoring an event.

  • To search a list of all employees, leave the Find field in the Lookup dialog blank, and then click the Search icon
  • To search for a specific employee, enter a search string in the Find field, and then click Search icon. Your search is limited to the exact order of the characters in the string, but the string can appear anywhere in the search results and it is not case-sensitive. For example, the search string sim returns Paske, Sim on and Simington, Chance.
  • To select an employee, click the Add icon next to the employee.
  • If the employee that you want to select for the reservation is not available on the pre-configured list, then you can click the Employee icon to open the Employee dialog and add the employee.  

After you select an employee, you can click Employee Info at the bottom of the Reservation Wizard page to open a dialog that displays the properties for the employee, any user-defined fields for the employee, and any comments that are associated with the employee.

1st Contact
Temp Contact

When you select a group, if a default contact has been defined for the group, then this field is automatically populated with the name of the contact; otherwise, the field is blank. You have several options for defining the 1st Contact for a reservation:

  • If the field is blank, but contacts have been configured for the group, you can select a contact from the pre-configured list.
  • If the field is populated with a default value, but other contacts have been configured for the group, you can select a different contact from the pre-configured list.
  • If you want to create a temporary contact just for this event, then select (temporary contact), and in the Temp Contact field, enter the name for the temporary contact.

If a default contact has been configured for the employee, then any modifications that you make for the contact apply to this reservation only. The next time you or anyone else creates a reservation for this group, the 1st Contact field is again automatically populated with the name of the default contact.

2nd Contact
Temp Contact

Define if necessary for the event.

Email Address

One more of these fields might be automatically populated depending on how a selected contact has been configured. You can manually edit these values if needed.

The Phone and Fax fields have a dropdown list available on which you can select a different value (Cellular, Fax, Office, Other, Primary) for the field label, or you can enter a user-defined value. To enter a user-defined value, double-click the current field label to select it, and then enter the user-defined value over the selected label.

If default values have been configured for a selected contact, then any modifications that you make apply to this reservation only. The next time you or anyone else creates a reservation for the same contact, these fields are again automatically populated with the default information.

Room Setup Tab

Setup Type

If you selected a specific value for the setup type when searching for an event location, this value is carried forward to this field; otherwise, the field is blank. You can select a setup type for this field, or if the field is already populated, you can select a different setup type.

Setup Count

If you entered a specific value for the setup type when searching for an event location, this value is carried forward to this field; otherwise, the field is blank. You can enter a value in this field, or if the field is populated, modify the value.

Billing Tab


Depending on the group that you select, one or more of these fields might be automatically populated with default values. You can edit these default values but any modifications that you make apply to this reservation only. The next time you or anyone else creates a reservation for the same group, these fields are again automatically populated with the default billing information.

Pricing Plan

Indicates what type of pricing is to be used for the event.

Cost Center Number

The internal alphanumeric billing code that is associated with the group. You can manually enter a value in this field, or if a master list of billing reference numbers has been configured for the group, you can click the Search icon to open a Cost Center Numbers dialog, and select the appropriate value from this list.

To search for a specific cost center number, enter a search string in the Find field, and then click the Search icon. The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of characters in the string and it must begin with the information for which you are searching. For example, a string of co returns CO-123, but not 123-CO.

Sales Category

How the group is sorted for purposes of tracking sales figures (e.g., local, regional, national, etc.).

Payment Type

Indicates how the group paid for the event (cash, check, charged, and so on).

Dept. Code/PO Number

The internal alphanumeric purchase order number that is associated with the group. You can manually enter a value in this field, or if a master list of purchase order numbers has been configured for the group, you can click the Search icon to open a Purchase Order Numbers dialog, and select the appropriate value from this list.

To search for a specific purchase number, enter a search string in the Find field, and then click the Search icon. The string is not case sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of characters in the string and it must begin with the information for which you are searching. For example, a string of co returns CO-123, but not 123-CO.


The user who “sold” the event.

Other Tab

Event Coordinator

The Event Coordinator assigned to the event.

Estimated Event Attendance

The estimated number of people who are expected to attend the event.

Calendar Style

field of all the available formats for printing this event on the Event Calendar and Event Schedule reports.


The event URL.

Virtual Tab

Everyday User

  • To specify the everyday users who can view/manage this reservation in VEMS, click the Search icon to open the Everyday Users search dialog and search from a list of registered everyday users.
  • You can search by User Name or Email Address
  • To search a list of all available everyday users, leave the Find field in the Lookup dialog blank, and then click the Search icon
  • To search for a specific everyday user, enter a search string in the Find field, and then click Search icon

    The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of characters in the string and it must begin with the information for which you are searching. For example, if searching by Email Address, a search string of bb returns but not

  • To select an everyday user, click the Add icon next to the user.

    To return this field to the (no change) value at any time, click Reset.

Process Template

The process template that defines the functions that are available for the selected everyday user.

An Everyday User might be assigned to more than one process template, so make sure to select the template that is applicable for this reservation.

User Defined Fields Tab


User-defined fields are additional fields that store custom data for a reservation. Your EMS administrator configures the types of fields that are available as well as the allowed values for these fields.

  • To enter or modify a value for a field, select the field, and then click Set Value.
  • To clear a value for a field, select the field, and then click Clear Value.

If a user-defined field is not required here, you can always supply a value for it at a later date in the Navigator.

  1. Click Finish. Two results are possible:
    1. If you did not enter information into required fields, then these fields are outlined in red. You must enter values into these fields and then click Finish again to open the Navigator page.
    2. The Navigator opens. The reservation information is displayed in the Navigator. Use the Navigator to add booking details and to make any needed modifications to the reservation and its bookings. 

A reservation is not complete and rooms are not removed from the Available list until you click Finish. Although unlikely, it is possible for another user to select and reserve a room during the time period after you have selected the room but before you have finalized the reservation. If this occurs, after you click Finish, a message opens stating that your reservation conflicts with an existing reservation.

ClosedView and Edit Reservations in the Reservation Book

The Reservation Book provides a graphical view of all the confirmed reservations (the reserved time as well as the room for which the reservation is scheduled) for your organization. (Canceled bookings are not shown.) You use the Reservation Book to the view information for a reservation, to edit an existing reservation, and to make a new reservation. In addition, when the Reservation Book first opens, before you edit or make a reservation, you can change the Reservation Book view so that it better suits your working needs.

This section will provide information on the following topics:

Open the Reservation Book

  1. From the toolbar, click the Book icon.

    The first time that you open the Reservation Book for your EMS implementation, by default, the Filter dialog opens on top of a blank Reservation Book. You can leave the room filtering criteria set to their default values, or you can select different values as needed, and then click OK. All reservations that meet the filtering criteria and that are scheduled for the current day’s date are displayed in the book in the Daily view.

    You might need to use the book’s scroll features to scroll through all the reservations that are scheduled for the current day’s date.

    • If an event is scheduled for a room that is a component of a combination room, then the reservation text is displayed in black. A duplicate reservation is also shown for the combination room. The reservation text is displayed in gray to indicate that a component of the combination room is currently booked for the indicated time and therefore, the combination room is not available
    • Conversely, if an event is scheduled for a combination room, then the reservation text for the combination room is displayed in black and the reservation text for each component is displayed in gray. This reversed color coding indicates that the component room is currently booked for the selected time and that none of the components is available.

      The Reservation Book has the following appearance:

      • Minimum and maximum capacities are displayed next to room descriptions
      • The current time is shown by a vertical line in the grid, called the Current Time Indicator
      • If building hours have been configured for a building, then this information is displayed for the building

      The reservations are displayed with three components:

      • A left bar that indicates the setup time
      • A middle bar that indicates, by default, the event name
      • A right bar that indicates the teardown time

Change the Reservation Book Display

  1. On the EMS Web Client toolbar, click the Book icon.

    The Reservation Book opens in the Daily view.

  2. You can change the Reservation Book display in the following ways:
    • Change the list of rooms based on room properties.
    • Change the list of rooms based on a specific room(s).
    • Change the Reservation Book view.
    • Change multiple display options for a reservation.
    • Select which items to include in the tooltip that opens when you place the cursor over an event in the Reservation Book.
    • Change the display date using the calendar.
    • Change the display date using the Reservation Book scroll features.
  3. To change the list of rooms based on room properties:
    1. Click Filter if the Filter dialog is not already open.
    2. Select Room Properties and customize one or more of the following:
      • Leave the Building list set to the default value of (all) buildings, or select a specific building, area, or view.
      • Select a specific floor.
      • Select a specific room type.
      • Select Capacity and then enter a capacity.
      • Select Academic to limit the search to academic rooms.
      • Select a Room Availability option.
    3. Click OK

      The Filter Rooms dialog closes. The room display in the Reservation Book is changed accordingly.

  4. To change the list of rooms that are displayed in the Reservation Book based on a specific room or rooms:
    1. If the Filter Rooms dialog is not already open, then above the Rooms list, click Filter to open the dialog and select Specific Room.
    2. Select the room, or Ctrl-click to select multiple rooms on the Available list.
    3. Click the Move (>) button to move the selected rooms to the Selected list. The Reservation Book updates to show bookings only for the selected rooms.
  5. To change the Reservation Book view, from the View dropdown list, select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
  6. To change multiple display options for a reservation:
    1. Click Options (upper right hand corner of Reservation Book) to open the Book Options dialog.
    2. Change multiple display options not only for the Reservation Book, but also a reservation in the book.



Start Hour

The daily start time for the Reservation Book display.


The information that is displayed in the middle bar for a reservation.

Time Display Interval

Changes the granularity of the time display interval.

Maximum Number of Rooms

The maximum number of rooms to display in the Reservation Book.

Booking Colors Based On

The color of the bookings in the reservation. Select one: Status, Event Type, or Check-in Status (for EMS Workplace only.)

Rooms Without Bookings

Whether to highlight rooms without bookings and if so, the highlight color. If both Highlight Rooms and Booked Space Status Only are selected, then only those rooms that do not have a Booked Space status are highlighted.

Room Display

Display the room code or the room name for a reservation.

Building Display

Display the building code or the building name for a reservation.

Go To Today on Startup

If selected, the Reservation Book opens to the current day’s date; otherwise, it opens to the last date viewed.

Always Prompt for Room Filter on Startup

If Show ‘(all)’ in Building List is also selected, then when you open the Reservation Book, the Filter dialog opens on top of the Reservation Book. You can select different options on this dialog to display only specific reservations in the book, for example, bookings only for selected rooms. If you do not select any options on this dialog, but instead simply close it, then all reservations for all rooms in all buildings are displayed in the book.

Hide Current Time Indicator

Show or hide the vertical bar that indicates the current time for current day. The Current Time indicator is displayed only if the view is the Daily or Weekly view and the view includes the current day’s date.

Show ‘(all)’ in Building List

Show the “all” option on the Building dropdown list; otherwise, a user must select a specific building. If this option is selected in conjunction with Always Prompt for Room Filter on Startup, then when you open the Reservation Book, then the Filter dialog always opens on top of the Reservation Book. If you are setting your Reservation Book options, and you do not want to the Filter dialog to open on top of the Reservation Book when you open the book, then do the following:

  • Clear Always Prompt for Room Filter on Startup.
  • Clear Show (‘all’) in Building List.
  • On the Building dropdown list in the Reservation Book, select any building, area, or view.

The building, area, or view that you select is not important. This last step just clears the “all” building option from the Reservation Book cache and ensures that the Filter dialog does not open on top of the Reservation Book. Going forward, you can always select all buildings, or any specific building, area, or view as needed when you are working in the Reservation Book.

Show Capacity

Show the minimum and maximum capacities next to the room description.

Hide Booking Shadow

Hide the vertical shadow bar that highlights the reserved and/or event start times and end times when a user moves a booking in the Reservation Book.

  1. To select which items to include in the tooltip that opens when you place the cursor over an event in the Reservation Book:
    1. Click Options (upper-right corner of Reservation Book) to open the Book Options dialog. 
    2. Open the Tooltip Display tab and select which items to include in the tooltip that opens when you rest the mouse pointer on an event in the Reservation Book.
  2. To change the display date using the calendar
    1. From the Date field, click the dropdown arrow to open the Calendar.
    2. Use the (< and >) scroll features at the top of the calendar to change the month or use the (>) scroll features at the top of the calendar to change the year.
    3. To select a different date for a month, click the date.
  3. To change the display date using the Reservation Book scroll features:
    1. Use the scroll features at the top of the reservation book display to scroll to a different day, week, month, or any different combination of these.
    2. To reset the display immediately to the current day’s date, click Today.

View Reservation Information

  1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Book icon. The Reservation Book opens in the Daily view.
  2. To view the reservation in the Navigator, double-click the middle bar for the reservation entry or right-click the reservation entry and on the context menu that opens, click Open.
  3. You can view the reservation information in the following ways:
    • View the bookings for a room
    • View the properties for a room
    • View the pricing for a booked room
    • View the setup information, event information, or teardown information for a reservation
  4. To view the bookings for a room:
    1. Click the room name or code in the Rooms list to open the Bookings tab for the Room Info dialog. The tab on this dialog lists all the bookings for the selected room based on the current view (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) and on the date that is shown in the Date field.
    2. To view a booking in the Navigator, select the booking, and then click Open.
  5. To view room properties:
    1. Click the room name or code in the Rooms list to open the Bookings tab for the Room Info dialog.
    2. Open the Room tab. The tab on this dialog lists all the properties for the room, such as the room code, the room name, the room classification, etc. It also lists the setup type and capacity for the room, and any notes that have been entered for the room.
  6. To view the pricing for a booked room:
    1. Click the room name or code in the Rooms list to open the Bookings tab for the Room Info dialog.
    2. Open the Pricing tab. This tab displays any pricing information that was defined for the room.
  7. To view the room setup information, event information, or teardown information for a reservation:
    1. Rest the mouse pointer on the left bar, middle bar, or right bar for the reservation entry. A tooltip showing the respective setup, event, or teardown information opens.
    2. If buildings that are located in multiple time zones are currently displayed, you can specify the time zone in which to view all of your bookings.

Make a New Reservation

  1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Book icon. The Reservation Book opens in the Daily view.
  2. Change the display to show the room for which you are making the reservation.
  3. Select the date for which you are making the reservation.
  4. In the Time Grid for the room, click and hold the left mouse button, drag the mouse to schedule the room and time, and then release the mouse button to open the Reservation Wizard. See Also: Make a Reservation Using the Reservation Wizard

Edit an Existing Reservation

  1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Book icon.

    The Reservation Book opens in the Daily view.

  2. You can also do one or more of the following:



Change the setup time for a reservation

  • Drag the left bar horizontally to a new time.
  • Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog.

Change the event time

  • Drag the middle bar horizontally to a new time.
  • Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog.

Change the teardown time for a reservation

  • Drag the right bar horizontally to a new time.
  • Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog.

Edit the reservation building, room, time, or both

  • Drag and drop the reservation to a new room that is the same building or in a different building, and/or to a new time.
  • Click Yes in the Confirm Change dialog.
  1. You can also right-click on a reservation in the Reservation Book, and on the context menu that opens, select one of the following:




Opens a reservation in the EMS Navigator.

Move Forward

Move the reservation date forward by one day or one week.

Move Backward

Move the reservation date backward by one day or one week.

Move to a Specific Date

Move the reservation to a specific date.

Change Status

Change the status of the reservation.

Copy Bookings


Although this option is available on the context menu for a reservation, its associated functionality is currently under development.

Swap Rooms With Another Booking

Swap the room assignments of two events. The swap option is applicable only for two events that have identical meeting patterns.

Highlight Related Reservations

Highlights the bookings that belong to the same reservation.


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