Troubleshoot an Internal Server Error When Viewing My Events in EMS Web App

If you get an internal server error when you try to view existing bookings through the “My Events” page in EMS Web App and there are a large amount of bookings under your name, this is because the number of records returned exceeds the number allowed by the IIS web app configuration. The maximum is set to 50,000 by default.

Workaround – You or your System Administrator can increase this limit by editing the web.config file. The configuration attribute to look for is the following:

<add key="aspnet:MaxJsonDeserializerMembers" value="50000" />

Change the value to the maximum number of bookings you expect users to have.

EMS Cloud Customers – Modifications to the web.config file must be performed by EMS Cloud Operations. To request these changes, contact EMS Support.


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