Add Services to a Booking

You can add services to a booking if the room, booking template, and event type allow it to be added. You will only see allowable services when adding them to an event.

  1. From the Meeting, click the Services tab. If the tab is not available, your Administrator has not designated services for the booking template.

    • For one-time bookings, the Services tab lists your booking, and it is already selected. The center pane shows services available for the selected room booking.
    • For recurrent meetings, multiple bookings are listed in the left pane. You will need to select the booking for which you want to add special services.

    Depending on your administrator's settings, a room might offer the following types of services (in the central pane):

    • Catering
    • Resources with or without Service Orders
    • Notes

    Unlike other EMS applications, you cannot specify services that are Activities or Attendees.

  2. Click the Category of service in the center pane you want to work with.

    The right pane refreshes to show options available in that category.

  3. Make your selections and click Apply or Apply to Multiple.

    • If you select Apply to Multiple (typically for recurrent meetings), the Apply to Additional Bookings dialog appears, where you can select which room bookings should have the service included.
  4. Make your selections and click Apply.

    The services are added to your bookings and the Services tab refreshes to reflect your changes.


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