Add Event Dates

You use the Add function on the Event Summary page to add more dates, including recurring dates, to an existing event, whether the event is a single date event or a multi-date event. When you add more dates to an existing event, you can also modify some, but not all, of the general information for the event, and you can add an image to the event. You can also modify the information for the custom fields.

  1. On the Manage Events page, click an event title or on the Event Details page click the Edit icon. 

    The Event Summary page opens.

  2. For either a single date event or a multi-date event, click Add.
  3. Modify the information as needed for the event:
    • General Info fields, including images
    • Event Times fields, including adding recurring dates for the event
    • Custom Fields and Attachments
  4. Do one of the following:
    • If you accessed the Event Summary page from the Manage Events page, click Back to Manage.
    • Events to return to the Manage Events page.
    • If you accessed the Event Summary page from a calendar, click Back to Calendar.


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