Manage Events

Events can be managed from the Event Summary page or through the Manage Events page.

Manage Events from the Event Summary Page

From the Manage Events page (Event Details > Edit), double click on an event to open the Event Summary page. The Details tab on this page summarizes the current details for the event. The History tab displays the history for the event. The Event Summary page has three tabs that show the dates that are associated with the event:

  • The All tab shows all currently active dates for the event in Master Calendar. (The information that appears on this tab is the combined information from the Current tab and the Historical tab.)
  • The Current tab shows recurring dates for the event going forward from the current day’s date.
  • The Historical tab shows recurring dates that have already posted.

Manage Events in the Manage Events Page

When a guest or user requests to submit an event to a calendar, as the EMS Master Calendar manager, you are responsible for managing the event in your calendar system.

Managing event requests in EMS Master Calendar consists of:

You can also:

When the Manage Events page first opens, the list of events that appears is a list of all pending events for all calendars to which you have access as a Master Calendar manager. To manage events with different statuses, you must refine this list by filtering it by specific criteria.

For all procedures in this section, you must be logged in either as a Calendar Manager or as the site administrator. If you are logged in as the Calendar Manager, or the site administrator, you can always open the event by clicking the event title on the Manage Events page. You can then easily review the event specifics as well as edit the event details. 


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